Batocera Linux – Install and Play !

When people are bored around the world amidst the coronovirus and want to somehow kill their boredom, why not turn to Batocera Linux ? If you like games of the retro age ! So how to install it in your PC / Laptop / Desktop or On a Raspberry pi if you own one. Download...

Issue with Roundcube attachments in Plesk

Facing issues in uploading attachments to roundcube ? Last day, was not able to attach a PDF through webmail. Apache error logs showed the following : [Date [:error] [pid 12345:tid 123456789] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] ModSecurity:...

Configuring automated ec2 -volume’s snapshots !

Edit : You dont need to follow this guide. AWS has made life simple. Just follow The new life-cycle management policies. Just keeping this as reference  Taking automatic snapshots of...

Error when starting php-fpm on a virtualmin centos

Last day ran into an issue in which the php-fpm service was facing an issue and httpd service was failing to start. On checking the logs, could see this : Date [proxy:error] [pid] 111  connection refused:FCGI:attempt to connect to (*) failed Date...

Connecting to Mariadb/MySQL RDS from phpMyAdmin

The Amazon RDS ( AWS RDS ) – Managed relational database service from aws is a real blessing these days. Since its managed by aws, you don’t have to worry about the patching / administration / backups / restore aspects of it. All you need to do is...

locale error in CentOS 6 !

Recently saw the issue in newly build CentOS6 VMs ( For me it was Virtuozzo based VMs ) : -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8) Saw this error even after installing cPanel in the VPS. This warning popped up every time you ran a command...