Whenever you try to access an NTFS partition in CentOS/RHEL for the first time, you might get the following message ( as of now ) :
“Filesystem driver is not installed“
To get over this, you might want to install the ntfs driver for the partitions to mount up.
If you are on a centOS box, give in the following :
# yum install fuse-ntfs-3g
( You might need an rpmforge repo for ^ package to be installed )
#wget http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6 1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
(select the repo file for the correct system architecture ) #rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
Once the repo is installed, install the driver using yum.