by admin | Nov 5, 2016 | Microsoft Windows
At times, you will want to convert the mp4 videos to mpg format, which the common DVD players and the older TV’s support directly. To do this, you can use the FFmpeg for Windows. Download the program from :...
by admin | Aug 5, 2016 | cPanel/WHM
We are talking about CentOS 4 and CurLSSL here. We may have some legacy users facing this issue in enabling CurLSSL. This was the error encountered : ======= vtls/openssl.c: In function `Curl_ossl_init’: make[2]: *** [vtls/libcurl_la-openssl.lo] Error 1 make[2]:...
by admin | Jun 26, 2016 | IIS
After installing PHP on your IIS, you might be stuck with the following error : “Http Error 500.0 FastCGI process exited unexpectedly. ” This error occurs when the Visual C++ Redistributable file to handle CGI process is not present in the system. To...
by admin | Jun 22, 2016 | IIS, Microsoft Windows
Prerequisites: IIS 8.5 Installed PHP 7.0.X ( 64 Bit) installed to C:\Program Files\PHP via WPI. O.S :- Windows Server 2012 / R2 We are about to enable PHP ImageMagick extension with IIS ImageMagick is free Open source software for displaying, editing image files in...
by admin | May 4, 2016 | cPanel/WHM
A recent upgrade from cPanel / WHM 11.54 resulted in the services getting broken and not able to access the services. Was able to find the following in the logs when attempt to restart cPanel was made : Can’t locate Unix/PID/ in @INC (you may need to...